Software is a tool

Warren Murray– April 28, 2019

Here at UtilityCap, we use “Tools” to help our customers “To reduce their utility bills through Cost Avoidance Programs”. So, the end game is reducing your energy and other utilities use, which among other altruistic outcomes, results in lower costs and better efficiencies.

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Nothing beats “boots of the ground” when it comes to good Cost Avoidance Programs that lead to lower costs and better efficiencies. Our highly trained, qualified and experienced team are supported by algorithm-based software.

Whether it is assessing the hum or roar of HVAC or sifting through data looking for patterns, the human element is vital.

At UtilityCap we have an arsenal of “tools” ready and rearing to be deployed to provide visibility over your portfolio and identify suitable Cost Avoidance Programs. We measure and verify these savings using internationally accepted International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol standards.

 Over coming Blogs we’ll showcase some of the major tools we are able to use that, in the right hands, will help you to lower energy costs and achieve better efficiencies. But first we need something to work with, data!

Utility Bill Data Mining

The average commercial electricity bill has anywhere between 14 – 20 essential bill line items, not counting invoice headings and energy summary items. Add to this, other utility bills like Water, Natural Gas, Self-Generation, Fuels, Recycling, LPG and kilometres driven. All this across large portfolios with diverse buildings, suppliers, rates and units of measure.

All this potentially valuable data just sitting somewhere in the back office with a multitude of other digitally or paper stored invoices, carefully guarded by the watchful eyes of accounts department.

These “silo’s of data”, in the right hands with the best “tools”, could be another source of income for your enterprise. But you may say “it will cost us money to mine it”. Yes, it is true, but it costs traditional mining companies to extract the ore, that doesn’t mean they don’t make great profits from the endeavour!

With our “tools” and expertise, we are able to extract valuable historical data and usable information and process this into measurable financial gain.

Now you may ask, “what can we do with this type of data”? The answer to your question can’t be answered in a Blog like this, but we can give you some indications.

Data Mining Indications:

We give you greater control and visibility over energy and utility procurement, Energy Use Intensity building by building, billing administration, tracking cost & consumption, identifying cost avoidance programs, measuring and verifying your energy savings programs, tracking carbon emissions, identifying overcharges + unusual usage patterns, benchmarking across every meter, building  and commodity.

 For more information see

 Next Blog we will go into more detail

to start avoiding utility costs click on this graphic or call us on 1300 393 328

to start avoiding utility costs click on this graphic or call us on 1300 393 328